"Umwelt Baut Brücken" was the foundational project that sparked my interest in environmental sustainability. The project was carried out in two steps, focusing on the preservation of endemic dolphin species in the Bosphorus, which are critically endangered due to pollution.
Step 1: Hands on in Turkey
Together with German participants, we co-authored an article summarizing our findings and experiences. The article was later published in a national newspaper, raising awareness about the importance of marine conservation and cross-border environmental collaboration.
Umwelt Baut brücken: a turnıng poınt for my ınterest on envıronmental ıssues
In collaboration with TURMEPA, a local NGO dedicated to marine conservation, we worked directly on their specially designed boats used to clean the Bosphorus. This step provided a hands-on experience to observe the impact of pollution and learn about innovative efforts to restore the dolphins' natural habitat.
Step 2: Exploring Solutions in Germany
The project continued in Frankfurt, where we visited BIOVERSUM, a museum for biodiversity and conservation. Here, we deepened our understanding of the Bosphorus dolphin species and explored broader ecological preservation strategies.